martes, 13 de enero de 2009

Book recommendations

As a part of this blog, I'd like from time to time to recommend books on the topics that will be treated as a part of it. All are titles that I've either read or intend to read in the near future. This the first set of books I'd like to recommend, many of which are by authors who were speakers at the cultural festival "La Ciudad de las ideas" (The City of Ideas) in Puebla last november.

1. Stumbling on Happiness, Daniel Gilbert (Psychology at its best on what makes us happy)
2. Chance, Amir Aczel (a little bit of Probability)
3. The Mystery of the Aleph, Amir Aczel (about the history of the concept of infinity)
4. The Armchair Economist, Steven Landsburg (everyday Economics)

5. Freakonomics, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner (everyday Economics)
6. The Mystery of Capital, Hernando de Soto (on why some countries are rich and others aren't)

I hope you enjoy these books!

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